Afternoon Tea & Discussion

20th January 2024 Afternoon Tea & Discussion
Maloja Palace
7516 Maloja, Switzerland


U N L E A S H I N G  I N N O V A T I O N  A N D  S C A L I N G  I M P A C T  T O  A C H I E V E  C A R B O N  N E U T R A L I T Y

Hosted at the distinctive Maloja Palace, a select group of leaders and pioneers from the realm of Science, Entrepreneurship and Impact Investment, are invited to explore innovative strategies and collaborations on solutions to achieve carbon neutrality.

The discussion will focus on how impact investments can be utilised to fund and scale Net Zero initiatives. The goal is to ensure a sustainable and measurable reduction in carbon emissions.

In support for the SOS Planet Foundation we invite you to join us in navigating this intersection towards a future where sustainability thrives with the aid of technological innovation.

The SOS PLANET Foundation carries the mission to raise awareness about the urgency of achieving carbon neutrality, reporting public opinion, calling for immediate action from governments and individuals based on scientific evidence, and leading by example to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving carbon neutral immediately on an individual effort and globally by 2030.

Afternoon Tea & Discussion

Castillia: Connects people with their history, heritage & roots by empowering them to organize the events of their dreams in historic & authentic places.

With the Visionary Dining Circles, Castillia merges business with cultural enrichment, aiming to cultivate genuine connections among industry leaders within remarkable and historical settings.

20th January 2024